
otherwise known as Chris, SplitSunset, chrispy2117, "complete weirdo" and "a real family pudding"

Ahoy there. I'm a human who makes things. You're here, which means you probably want to find out about them...

Where shall we start?


I started streaming on Twitch in October 2020. I'm not entirely sure why I started, but hey, seems to be working.


In January 2021, one of my best friends and I started a podcast together. It's not too bad. People listen.


Every now and then, I feel like writing a thing about thoughts. Then I put those things on the internet.


In July 2021, I figured 'why not keep going down the content rabbit hole?' And so, the YouTube channel was born.


I have some friends. They're awesome. You should meet them. I think you guys would get on.


I figured perhaps I should have a little home for the community. So I built one. Virtually.

So let's get this straight... people watch you?

Look, NO-ONE is more surprised than me. NO-ONE.

Over the COVID-19 lockdown, I started watching Twitch more after a few years of being busy with other things. One of the streamers I discovered back then was Haiimax, someone who's become an amazing friend to me since then. I'd never really considered streaming, especially as someone who struggles a lot with mental health (depression/ anxiety).

I started on Hallowe'en 2020 with no idea what I was doing or how I was doing it, but I figured I had nothing much to lose. I don't regret it one bit either, I've had so much fun on the way, and it just keeps getting better!

Sometimes I struggle to remember how far I've come and to celebrate my success, and so I hope you'll forgive me for sharing my milestones in the table below. I'm so proud of what I've been able to do, and I've met some amazing people on the way. Please come check out the stream sometime, I'd love to meet you!

First stream!31st October, 2020
Met the affiliate requirements!1st December, 2020
100 followers!1st May, 2021
150 followers!10th July, 2021
250 followers!27th November, 2021

Okay, so... people voluntarily listen to your voice?

Yep, just another little thing on the side between working Monday to Friday, and streaming every now and then.

One of my very best friends, Katrina, came up with the idea of starting a podcast around the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, in April 2020. I thought it sounded like a great idea!

And so, like many things in life that sound great, it took me about nine months to finally get my act together enough for us to start in January 2021.

We're called the World to Rights Podcast, and we're a gold blend of laughter, nonsense, strange stories and music recommendations in the way that only we know how.

We release an episode once every two weeks, and cover a range of topics. Many of our episodes are quite light-hearted, full of odd rambles and tangents, and we love to recommend music we've been listening to lately. However, we also like to look at more serious topics too. In the past we've talked about our mental health, what it's like to be a woman in 2021, and racism and sexism in the music industry. We often bring a guest on for these episodes too.

I really love being able to do it. We release the episode on a number of platforms, including a video version on YouTube, and we share clips each week on Instagram and TikTok. Go check it out!

Now you write stuff as well, huh?

Yeah, I mean the world's a mess, and I'll lose my mind if I don't talk about it. It's like therapy, just free. And maybe no-one will ever hear it. And it could be complete nonsense. But I won't let that stop me.

You want to read it? GOOD NEWS! I embedded it right here, in the page, for you!

But maybe now is a bad time... so here's a link for later.

So I can watch you whenever I want?

You know it! I plan on setting up a YouTube channel in the near future (this is July 2021, so if you're reading this on a future date, either I created it and never updated it, or I couldn't be bothered. Poke me either way.)

Feel free to go subscribe now to get ahead of the game, and stay tuned for more!

Okay, so you managed to find people who tolerate you?

You're DAMN RIGHT I did, and I resent the tone you've taken here. I can be tol- yeah, no, you're right. I thought about it for a few more seconds.

Anyway, whilst I think about how I managed to find such a lovely bunch of people, you should go say hello to them all! Luckily for you, I made a place where you can find all of them in one go! Please go have a look!

So this community...

I knew I'd convince you to join us, I could sense it. I bet you've secretly been wanting to this whole time. That's okay, I forgive you. We've bonded now.

So, you wanna come on into the Discord? Then do I have the gift for you.